
I’ve always liked good sto­ries whether they’re books, movies, tele­vi­sion, or even video games. Based on sug­ges­tions from a few peo­ple, and being asked to review nov­els a few dif­fer­ent cowork­ers have writ­ten over the years, I decid­ed to pol­ish off some of my old ideas and try to make some­thing out of them. This blog is most­ly so I have a place to write about ideas I have relat­ed to writ­ing whether they’re tied to the actu­al text (e.g., char­ac­ter devel­op­ment) or my meth­ods (e.g., how I use LaTeX glos­saries so I don’t have to deal with names).

Besides writ­ing I spend my time writ­ing soft­ware, play­ing video games, and watch­ing Net­flix. Lots of Net­flix. It’s actu­al­ly on right now (Dex­ter sea­son 4).